
Enhancing the Security of Personnel and Assets

Bluestone works closely with key stakeholders in order to assess, understand and implement safe and secure strategies that realise their aspirations. We believe that close collaboration and teamwork, built on a platform of extensive experience, is paramount to achieving objectives and enabling successful project execution.

We do this by assessing, identifying and planning stakeholder objectives in order to ascertain and execute future business decisions. This strategy is also used to support existing project operations such as assessment of current security frameworks, crisis management and guidance programs.

We achieve our objectives by:

Building Organisational Capability

Building organisational capability through collaboration and teamwork, working closely with key stakeholders to understand their aspirations.

Ensuring Safety and Security

Enabling safe and secure operations and project execution.

Personal Security
Security worldwide

Informing Future Business Decisions

– Business development and country assessment and entry
Project planning and execution
Identification and assessment of emerging threats.

Supporting Existing Project Operations

– Assessment and assurance of current security frameworks and solutions
– Scenario planning, Crisis Management
– Develop and deploy guidance programs, processes and tolls that align with the business strategies.

Supporting Operations

Enabling Safe, Secure Operations


Identifying Emerging Threats

Crisis and Risk Management

Assessing Future and current frameworks