What We Do

Identifying and providing global safeguard solutions

Bluestone takes a pro-active approach to identifying and providing safeguard solutions to high consequence global security incidents. We devise and deliver these solutions by partnering with organisations and stakeholders to ascertain security measures by understanding and supporting their business objectives. This working relationship is key to identifying perceived risks and implementing counter measures.

We deliver and instigate support networks by delivering superior security performance through some of the world’s most robust security programs. We achieve this whilst operating to the highest ethical standards, compliance with local laws and by working closely with local communities.

We partner with organisations to focus on:

Supporting Business Objectives

Supporting Business Objectives

Identify threats, provide safeguard solutions and partner with organisations to support their business objectives while preventing high consequence security incidents.

Delivering Functional Excellence

Focus on delivering functional excellence and fit for purpose risk-based services whilst operating with the highest ethical standards.

Operations Control
Port Security

Superior Security Performance

Support the delivery of superior security performance through some of the world’s most robust security programs.


Implementing Security Measures

Implement security measures that take into account perceived risks, countermeasures, relationships with local communities, and compliance with applicable laws.

Children in Conflict Areas

Preventing Global Security Incidents

Supporting Business Objectives


Implementing Robust Security Programs

Ensuring Absolute Law Compliance